- Side-by-side comparison of original and spun text
- -Directly compare your original and new spun articles so you can immediately see the difference. This makes it incredibly easy to see at a glance how unique your new text is.
- Stock photo integration
- -Add relevant public domain images to your articles — just select which ones you want, and Spin Rewriter will automatically add a relevant selection between paragraphs.
- Deep spinning
- -Spin Rewriter can automatically add nested spintax to your articles.
- -This massively multiplies the number of variations you can get from just a single article — meaning that with Spin Rewriter, every article goes much further.
- Sentence and paragraph-level spinning
- -Other spinners are limited to changing words.
- -Spin Rewriter understands phrases, sentences and even whole paragraphs. This gives you results that are more unique, and STILL read better thanks to the ENL Semantic Spinning technology.
- HTML formatting
- -By default, Spin Rewriter is set up to provide content that's ready to be cut-and-pasted into WordPress blogs. And if you want HTML, just flick the switch and you'll get a fully marked-up version ready to go.
- All popular spintax styles supported
- -We want to make sure you can use your Spin Rewriter articles with every other system out there. That's why we support all 5 of the most popular spintax styles. Just choose the one you want to use and push the button.
- Works on all devices
- -Spin Rewriter lives in the cloud which means it will adapt to every device you have. Desktops, laptops, tablets, phones... Spin Rewriter feels right at home on all of them.
- Collection of detailed video tutorials
- -We want to make it easy for you to use Spin Rewriter to its fullest potential. That's why we have prepared a collection of more than 10 detailed video tutorials. Armed with these tutorials, your spin-fu will be a thing to behold.
- Paragraph creation
- -Stop rewording. Start creating.
- -Spin Rewriter can find additional information in your existing paragraphs and create entirely new content on its own.
- -With completely new paragraphs, your original article is masked even further — giving you content that would pass even a side-by-side comparison.
- List shuffle
- -Smart list shuffling detects unordered lists and puts the elements in a completely new order, increasing the uniqueness of your articles.
- -But don't worry — it won't touch your numbered lists. You won't find a 2, 5, 8, 3, 4 list on Spin Rewriter's watch.
- Ignore original words
- -Create something completely new. You can set Spin Rewriter to only use alternative synonyms when creating a new version of your article, and NONE of the original words will make it in.
- -This is EXTREME spinning — and it's how you guarantee total uniqueness.
- Copyscape integration
- -Connect your CopyScape account and you can get an instant assessment of whether your article passes the uniqueness test.
- -(Spoiler alert: It will. Every time.)
- Grammar and spell-checker
- -If you start with an article that's riddled with grammar errors, your spinning's never going to work well.
- -Which means you end up spending those extra hours fixing not one, but 500 versions!
- -Spin Rewriter's grammar checker makes sure that your articles would pass any English test, even if you don't know (or care) what a third-person past-participle is.
- Word and character count
- -Making sure that you've got a range of different lengths of articles on your websites removes an obvious red flag for Google.
- -Spin Rewriter gives you word and character counts for every created spun article, so you can make sure you've got the variety that'll make your websites look perfectly natural.
- Parallel processing
- -We're constantly improving our algorithms to make the best possible use of resources — and for non-geeks, this means you'll not only be able to spin all kinds of complicated articles in seconds, but the spinning process is also getting faster all the time.
- Mass export
- -Generate up to 1,000 variations of your article at once.
- -This means with just one button-press, you can create enough content to fill your blogs, your satellite sites, even your entire PBN.
- Save for later
- -Sometimes life happens.
- -Even when you need to take a break while in the middle of a project, Spin Rewriter will save all your work and make sure nothing is lost. Even automatically.
- Manual and automatic spinning
- -Want to create your own spintax? Not a problem, just select some of the suggested synonyms or type brand new ones into the editor.
- -Want Spin Rewriter to do it all for you? Even easier. Hit the button and the algorithm will automatically spin the whole thing for you.
- Bulk Article Spinning
- -Got more than one article you want to spin?
- -Spin Rewriter can handle all of them at once, giving you the ability to create virtually unlimited content instantly.
- VIP SEO Content-on-Demand Service
- Set Up A Limited-Access Account For Your Assistant
- Spin-on-the-go! Download our iPhone or Android app
- Priority servers for faster spinning
- Priority VIP customer support for even happier members
- Automatically Spin & Republish Old Posts : As soon as your posts reach a certain age (e.g. 7 days, or 3 weeks, or 2 months), this plugin will use the full power of Spin Rewriter's ENL Semantic Spinning technology to spin them and republish them as brand new posts. Plugin will automatically spin and republish your old posts!
- Automatically Fetch New Unique Posts : This plugin can also find relevant articles for your websites, completely on auto-pilot. It will then spin and publish those relevant articles as brand new posts. You can simply pick how many new posts you want automatically added to your WordPress websites — from multiple new posts a day, to just one post a month. Plugin will automatically find, spin and publish relevant articles to your websites!
- Spin Posts Right Inside WordPress : Our plugin also lets you spin your WordPress posts and pages straight from your WordPress admin panel. It's just a matter of clicking a button and waiting for the magic to happen... and, poof! You've got a brand new & unique post sitting inside your post editor in seconds, ready to be published. You can easily spin posts and pages from your WordPress admin panel!
- Connect Your Websites : By installing our plugin on your WordPress websites, your websites will automatically appear inside your Spin Rewriter account — with full support for one-click remote posting straight from your Spin Rewriter account!