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AffKit Annual group buy

group buy AffKit Annual -


FE - AffKit - $199/y
  • Image resizer and cropper
  • Image resizer and cropper tool helps you to quickly prepare your banners, cropping and resizing a batch of images in the minimum time possible, faster than any image editing software. This tool will save you hours of work and most importantly time.
  • - Easy to use, 3 step interface
  • - Batch mode processing
  • - Image cropping and resizing
  • - Thumbnail navigation
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
  • Image overlay
  • Image overlay tool allows you to put an image(overlay) over one or a batch of images at specified coordinates. You can apply badges, signs, logo's over your banners in the quickest and simple way possible. Save time by batching multiple images at once.
  • - Easy to use, 3 step interface
  • - Batch mode processing
  • - Flexible positioning
  • - Size adjustments
  • - Batch image download
  • Banner tweaker
  • Banner tweaker tool increases your banner CTR (click-through-rate) by applying different image effects to the image, making it more eye-catching and therefore resulting in a higher click through. Test this tool on all of your banners, images and more to increase clicks.
  • - Easy to use, 3 step interface
  • - Batch mode processing
  • - 10 tweaks available
  • - Batch image download
  • - Drag and drop image upload
  • Image finder
  • Image finder tool gives you the ability to search for images in 12 different image directories. You simply type the search terms like on any major search engine and it will search for the images on the selected term in the relative directories. Easily find images for your campaigns.
  • - Search 12 different directories
  • - Open multiple search windows
  • - Find hidden image sources
  • - Multi search functions
  • - Easy search interface
  • Glossy image
  • Glossy image tool gives a fancy, 3D glossy look to your images/banners. You can make your images look more stylish and more "clickable" due to the cool and attractive look, in just a few seconds. You can also use this for buttons to increase your CTR.
  • - Easy to use, 3 step interface
  • - Batch mode processing
  • - Brightness/darkness settings
  • - Size adjustments
  • - Batch image download
  • Exit intent popup
  • Exit Intent Pop-Up tool helps you get the most of your traffic, re-engaging the users that want to leave your pages. Show completely customisable messages, images and pop ups to people who view your page for a certain amount of time or try to exit the page.
  • - Show after X amount of seconds
  • - Custom borders, styles and colours
  • - Full WYSIWYG editor
  • - HTML enabled
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
  • Geo redirection
  • Geo-redirection tool is a must-have for everyone who is dealing with international traffic. This tool will help you redirect your visitors to specific offers that are available in their countries based on IP geo-location, so you won't waste any traffic.
  • - Unlimited redirections
  • - 238 countries supported
  • - jаvascript implementation
  • - Rules based redirects
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
  • Geo location
  • Geo-location tool allows you to call a users location and exactly where they are viewing the page from. This easy to use script can increase your conversation rate by personalising the experience for example on a dating or lead generation page.
  • - 7 different location formats
  • - Show country, region/state, city
  • - geo-location database
  • - 250 requests per minute
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
  • Urgency timer
  • Urgency countdown timer tool helps you take advantage of the popular technique of creating a sense of urgency (you have just few seconds to do this) in order to take a specific action, like proceeding to next step, clicking on a link, registering, purchasing and so on.
  • - Time combinations
  • - Redirect after timer hits 0
  • - Specific timer outputs
  • - Style easily with CSS
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
  • Break even calculator
  • CPA break-even calculator tool gives you an idea of what CPC and conversion rate you should aim for to make the campaign profitable, including how much you need to spend based on different CPC and CR values to break-even. It also calculates your current spend and earnings.
  • - Calculate cost per conversion
  • - Calculate ROI (return on investment)
  • - Calculate EPC (earnings per click)
  • - Estimated calculations to breakeven
  • - Revenue and future costs calculations
  • Email integration tool
  • Email integration is now reduced to a few clicks, with no HTML knowledge required. In a few seconds your page will be able to capture email addresses (and name details if the fields are available) and send them to the lists on the email service provider.
  • - Mailchimp and aWeber integration
  • - Step by step walkthrough with images
  • - Name and Email field integration
  • - Styles and layouts stay in tact
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
  • Offer iframer
  • Offer iFramer tool allows you to iFrame the direct offer page entirely so it will look like the advertiser landing page is yours, showing your own URL address in the user's browser. Use your own link to drive traffic to the original offer page.
  • - Use affiliate direct link or tracking link
  • - Custom page title
  • - Download iFramed pages
  • - Embed others pages within your links
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
  • Landing page protection
  • Landing page protection tool protects your landing pages from being ripped or stolen. This clever little tool will rotate your offer link even if the offender changes it so that you still profit from your landing page even if someone takes it from you.
  • - Silent redirection
  • - Source-code encryption in 5 modes
  • - Right click protection
  • - iFrame protection
  • - Set weight of traffic
  • Dynamic elements
  • Dynamic elements tool helps you add lots of awesome, eye-catching animation effects to your pages. This tool will not only make your pages look beautiful and up to date, but will also increase your click-through-rate and conversion rates by grabbing the users attention.
  • - 22 animations
  • - 4 triggering actions
  • - Optimized CSS3 and pure jаvascript
  • - Attention grabbing effects
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
  • Date and time
  • Date and time tool allows your to show a wide range of different date and time counters on your landing page. You can show the date and time of the current visitor or even set a specific date and time in the future that you wish to display in order to personalise your page.
  • - Today, Tomorrow or a specified date
  • - 9 date/time formats available
  • - Easy to style and configure with CSS
  • - ISO date and time formats available
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
  • Mobile detection
  • Mobile Detection tool gives you an easy-to-use script to call the user's mobile phone/tablet handset/brand on your landing page. It also gives you the option to retrieve the web browser used and the OS(operating system) that is running on the phone/tablet.
  • - Detect over 23 mobile phone brands
  • - Detect over 120 tablet brands
  • - Device database updated periodically
  • - Retrieve the OS and mobile browser
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
  • Back button redirect
  • Back button redirect tool will help you to easily implement a cross-browser, back button redirection script for your mobile landers. Re-engage lost leads and give them a better offer, discount or a more persuasive message before they leave for good.
  • - Major browsers compatible
  • - Fully self hosted
  • - Recapture exits and traffic loss
  • - Set multiple redirects
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
  • Mobile vibration
  • Mobile Vibration tool allows you to vibrate the visitors phone when they reach your page. Bring the user to attention and increase your CTR by making their phone vibrate when they land on your page. Determine when the vibration should start and end.
  • - HTML5 vibration API
  • - Over 82% global coverage
  • - Delay vibration
  • - Set multiple vibrations
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
  • When to cut landers
  • When To Cut Landers tool is a very useful statistical tool that helps you optimize your campaigns faster and more efficiently by taking the right decisions at the right time. More exactly, it will show you what landers to kill or let run in your campaign.
  • - Bayesian statistical mode
  • - Selects best performing lander
  • - Eliminates bad performing landers
  • - Performance calculations
  • - Predicts which lander will perform best
  • Sporadic Timer
  • Sporadic timer tool will let you set a specific number and will count up or down to that number. It also allows you to set a specific action once the counter is finished for example the timer will count down to 0 and then show a message or redirect.
  • - Count up or down
  • - Add timer delay
  • - Redirect traffic
  • - Show alert message
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
  • Lander Sounds
  • Lander sounds tool allows you to pick a sound effect from our extensive directory to play when a user visits your page. This is an amazing and effective way to get people to pay more attention to your landing page when they land on it initially.
  • - Large sound effect directory
  • - Play sound multiple times
  • - Delay sound by seconds
  • - Attach sound to click element
  • - No coding skills needed to implement
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