group buy Instant Video Wizard Yearly -
- It's Quick & Easy
- Either write your own script, or convert any article into a video in as little as 60 seconds. We also provide you with a database of 132,000+ articles that you're free to modify (or use as-is) and convert into videos. Hundreds of categories are covered by our database!
- Massive Content Catalog
- With 485,000+ images, 115,000+ video clips and over 100,000 music tracks for you to use -- all royalty-free -- there's virtually no market that can't be promoted with Instant Video Wizard.
- Powerful & Customizable
- As quick and easy as IVW is, you'll be amazed at how many powerful features it contains. Beautiful frames, amazing slide animations, special effects and more. Most video software come with heavy restrictions. IVW, however, allows you to customize as little, or as much, of your video as you like! Produce a great video in as little as 60 seconds, or an AMAZING video in as little as 5 minutes.
- YouTube LIVE Events!
- Not only does Instant Video Wizard allow you to upload to YouTube after creating your video seemlessly, it also schedules LIVE events for you in YouTube than can acheive top 10 rankings in Google and YouTube in MINUTES!
- Multiple Formats
- IVW allows you to create videos for a wide range of platforms with formats that suite Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and more. You have three formats to choose from: normal landscape, square and the Facebook header video format.
- Done-For-You Templates
- IVW comes pre-loaded with dozens of video templates that you can use in any way you like. Templates allow you to create good looking videos very quickly. Grab a template, change as much, or as little as you like, and download it. It's that easy!
- Agency License Included
- We know that many of our users use IVW to make money from selling their videos. Our competitors charge "an arm and a leg" if you want to do that with their software. We don't charge an arm or a leg! You can create as many videos as you like with IVW, with no restrictions, and sell your videos for no additional fee!
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