What is Affiliate Titan X ?
Our newest offers, Zen Titan, Traffic Titan, Resell Titan sold over 40,000 units and were all consecutive JVZoo #1s...
So we're really excited to launch
Affiliate Titan X to the market - the ultimate guide to becoming a JVZoo, Amazon or ClickBank WarriorPlus super affiliate in 2018...
After generating $2 million in affiliate commissions on JVZoo and ClickBank, it's time to show people how we did it!
Affiliate Titan X's Features
- Warrior50 - WarriorPlus database to show all the newest Warrior+ launches with 50 sales+ daily
- AutoAffiliateAds - database of 500 banners for all the top ClickBank affiliate programs
- King of the Zon - Amazon Product Database to show the top 200 "mover & shaker" products daily
- Launch Pulse - New IM Launch Database to show the top up-coming launches on any given day
- CB 250 - ClickBank Database to show the top Clickbank niches and products daily
- King of the Zoo - JVZoo Database to show the top JVZoo niches and products twice daily
- 1 Click Affiliate - Creates affiliate scripts, pre-sells & sites using a database of our HTML templates that made millions
- Rapid Video Creator - Creates FAST videos (with text, image and video) to rank on YouTube. THE fastest video creation tool... ever!
- Plus we will be providing incredible training, on choosing affiliate programs, getting traffic from Google and YouTube... and much more...
- Affiliate Titan Pro - A WordPress theme that gives you a complete digital product store in minutes.
- ResellDB Pro - Database of sites with resell rights you can license and sell.
- Logo Maker - a software to create logos for any website - including the Affiliate Titan digital product store.
- Tube Titan that discovers profitable videos making thousands of dollars per day & exports YouTube cash campaigns
- Titan Theme - a premium WordPress theme, focused purely on video & profitability. Installs rapidly
- 1 Click Video software that creates proven, profitable, viral videos for any niche, market or keyword in 60 seconds
- Video Dynamite that lets you easily add sub-title text to any video, massively boosting engagement
- Tube Traffic that lets you add clickable images and videos to any video, increasing the traffic you get from YouTube
- 1 Click Sketch - which turns any any image or video into a whiteboard "doodle" video.
- Video Extractor Software - which allows you to extract images from any video file.
- Insta Cinema which lets you create cinemagraphs, which mix image with the power of video.
- Image2Video - a video creation tool, built specifically for converting a series of images into any video.
- Rapid Video Creator - as the name the suggests, this is THE fastest way to create a video in 2018.
- Traffic DB - a database of websites (traffic sources) in the Internet marketing/make money niche.
- Niche Money - which finds the most profitable keywords for any SEO or PPC niche you can think of.
- Keyword Titan - which automatically flags the keywords that are easy to rank for on Google & YouTube
- Sites DB - which is THE database of low-hanging traffic opportunities - for the top niches!
- FlipDB - a traffic database, with hundreds of websites from the auction site Flippa, making up to $26,000 per month.
- Idea Maker - a T-shirt/ecommerce slogan generator, preloaded with over 100 design ideas.
- Auto Designer software - which creates a t-shirt design image in just a few seconds.
- Auto Model - which creates images of attractive models wearing your tees in eye-catching locations
- Zen Niches Software - browse 160 Amazon ecommerce niches, and then create an instant affiliate review.
- Zen video creates instant affiliate review videos for any affiliate program.
- Zen eCommerce Theme - a WordPress theme which gives you your own authority ecommerce site in minutes.
- King of the Zoo - JVZoo Software. An affiliate database of the top-selling products on JVZoo, updated every 12 hours.
- King of the Zon - an affiliate database displays the top 200 newest Amazon products, updated every 24 hours..
- CB100 - this tool displays the top 250 ClickBank affiliate programs, updated every 24 hours.
- Launch Pulse is THE place for you to find hundreds of new product launches on JVZoo, ClickBank & WarriorPlus...
- Domainaveli - instantly run 100 domain searches to find the best available domain name.
- D4U Wordpress theme - A Wordpress theme which is built to monetize and suck-in free Google SEO traffic at the same time.
- 1 Click Copy - the easiest way to make professional, sales scripts, and is pre-loaded with over 100 proven marketing scripts...
- Auto Insta - a software to generates high-converting Instagram posts...
- Local Biz Generator - a software to find local businesses in your area.
- Niche Money - pre-loaded with 100+ eCom/affiliate niches (with 1000+ keywords for each - $1billion of keywords!)
- Keyword Titan - import Niche Money keywords & find the easy "free traffic opportunities" on Google & YouTube
- Website2Image- quickly load the top 100 affiliate programs for ClickBank & JVZoo and export your video campaign
- Image2Video - creates proven, profitable, affiliate review videos for any niche or keyword in 60 seconds
- UPDATE: Image2Video automatically imports your video campaigns from Website2Image - instant video!
- UPDATE: Image2Video includes 6 royalty-free music tracks, 10 background images & more
- Domainaveli - find the best domain names for any keyword. Run 100 searches in 1 click across 30 extensions!
- UPDATE: Domainaveli now includes 100+ premium domains for affiliate & ecommerce (limited availability!)
- Titan Theme - a premium WordPress theme, which instantly gives you a Google-friend, big-money website
- UPDATE: Titan Theme now includes unlimited installs - scale across 256 million affiliate niches.. forever!
- Sites DB - a database of thousands of websites and traffic opportunities for the biggest niches
- UPDATE: Sites DB now contains over 2,560 sites x 8 traffic opportunities.. for the top 15 ecom/affiliate niches!
- FlipDB - a database of 360 Flippa websites generating $200 to $26,000 per month - more niche ideas & traffic opportunities!
- ProClub - a database of all the new JVZoo, ClickBank & WarriorPlus product launches in my best niche -- Internet marketing!
- UPDATE: ProClub displays Google & YouTube SEO competition so you can see all product launches you can rank for
- UPDATE: ProClub tracks JV email updates for all launches - so you can see vital launch info (like cash contests, commission bumps, leaderboards, etc) for any product launch JV list - in just 1 click!
- AutoMassMailer - autoresponder software which lets you build your list and send unlimited emails to unlimited lists - with no mailing fees.. ever! And to think - this is just one of TEN software tools you get access to!
- And that's just the Traffic Titan software - but there's even more..
- A 53-page COMPLETE quick start guide that shows you how to get started within minutes with my Traffic Titan system and all the software tools
- Training videos for all TEN of the software tools - so you can get started with all the powerful automation features
- Plus secret hidden videos where I explain all my secret tips and tricks for promoting from this $150 billion loophole!
- But that's not all. Order now, and you'll also get access to all these additional newbie-friendly features...
- Over 100 pages of PDF training on profiting in 2018 - beautifully formatted & complete PDF documents...
- Training videos - how to use the software & start profiting with video marketing today.
- Future upgrades, training & more - this is just the beginning!
- Zen Niches - pre-loaded with 100+ profitable affiliate niches making thousands of dollars per day
- Zen Affiliate - quickly research affiliate programs for any niche keyword then add it to your personal database
- Zen Spinner - which turns your product research into a spun mini-article to export as an article or voice over script
- Zen Video that creates proven, profitable, affiliate review videos for any niche, market or keyword in 60 seconds
- UPDATE: Zen Video now includes dozens of editable template videos for Amazon affiliates
- UPDATE: Zen video includes 6 royalty-free music tracks, 10 background images & more
- Zen Theme - a premium WordPress theme, which instantly gives you an ecommerce/affiliate store with content
- UPDATE: Zen Theme now includes unlimited installs - scale across 256 million affiliate niches.. forever!
- UPDATE: Zen Theme lets you import from Zen Affiliate to create instant affiliate CB & Amazon reviews
- And that's just the Zen Titan software - but there's even more..
- A 39-page COMPLETE quick start guide that shows you how to get started within minutes with my Zen Titan system
- Plus secret hidden videos where I explain all my secret tips and tricks for promoting from this $150 billion loophole!
- But that's not all. Order now, and you'll also get access to all these additional newbie-friendly features...
- 5 complete bonus systems on profiting with video + Facebook, YouTube, affiliate marketing & much more
- Over 100 pages of PDF training on profiting in 2018 - beautifully formatted & complete PDF documents...
- Training videos - how to use the software & start profiting with video marketing today.
- Future upgrades, training & more - we supported Video Titan for 14 months. This is just the beginning!
#Affiliate Titan X + OTOs , #imglory
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