What is AscendPages ?
AscendPages is known as a new, one-of-a-kind Swipe and Snap page builder which lets you create many kinds of webpages by swiping ready-to-use mini-templates blocks and snapping them into place.Features
FE - Ascend Pages Comercial - 30$
- 250 Mini-Template Blocks
- Swipe & Snap Easy
- Unlimited Access to Ascend Pages
- Create Unlimited Landing Pages
- Create Unlimited Sales Pages
- Create Unlimited Traditional Websites
- Export Web HTML
- 14 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Save 65% and Never Pay for Web Page Creation Again
- Can Sell Websites
- Can Make Website for Clients
OTO1 - Ascend Pages Agency License - 67$
- Full License To Use Ascend Pages However You Want
- 5 Sub-User Accounts
OTO6 - SocialPhotoTraffic - 37
- POST : Publish directly to up to 15 Social Media Networks at a time for instant traffic
- SCHEDULE : Schedule Your automated traffic for continous unlimited free traffic
- PREVIEW : Post text, links, and your SocialPhoto for each social network
- LIVE DATA : Count each and every click, comment and visitor from each and every post
- AUTOMATIC : The more you automate, the more traffic you get. Let SocialPhotoTraffic get you traffic.
- UNLIMITED : There is NO LIMITS to the number of posts and accounts you can connect.