FE - FireList - $67- FireList Gold gives you access to the features below:
- - Unlimited Sends per month
- - Unlimited Contacts
- - 5 Sending Servers
- - Custom SMTP Integration
- - SMTP Relays Integration
- - Double Opt-in
- - 3,000 emails/minute Throttling
- Email Features
- - Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Email Builder
- - Custom Branding on Unsubscribe Page & Emails
- - Email Split Testing (Manual)
- - Track Links and Clicks
- - Plain Text Email
- - HTML Emails
- - Broadcast Archive on Cloud
- List Building
- - Import Emails using CSV (bulk, without confirmation)
- - Mass Add, Delete, Manage Subscribers
- - Personalization Tags
- - Custom Fields
- - Bounce, Complaints & Subscriber Handling
- - Email Scheduling
- Segmentation
- - Create Segments
- - Create Tags
- - Filters
- - A/B Testing
- - Personalize Emails
- Automation
- - Automated Workflows
- - Automated Campaigns
- - Automated Warmup Email Replies
- - Automated Inboxes Cluster
- List Warm Up
- - Smart Warm Up Campaigns
- - Custom Seed List with major Email Service Providers: 100+
- - Manage Calendar
- - Custom Emails
- - Auto Scheduling
- - Auto Replies
- 45 Custom Business Seed List
- AI Driven Email Drafting
- AI Driven Email Language Checker
- AI Driven Email Auto Tagging (10 Tags/Mail)
- AI based IP Warmup Process
- AI based Domain Warm Up Process
- AI Based Domain Health Checker
- AI Based IP Health Checker
- SPF Insights
- DMARC Insights
- DKIM Insights
- Multi Countries Email Inbox Cluster
- Inbox Insights
- AI Based Spam keyword checker
- Smart Wizard based Campaigns
- Smart Diagnostics
- Auto Replies
- Auto Workflow based Approach
- Follow Up Emails templates
- Smart Notifications
- Smart Warmup Campaigns - 10 At A Time
- Cloud Based
- Auto Email Warmup Scheduler
- AI based Auto Suggestion for email warmup campaigns
- AI Based Link Tracking
- Auto Tagging
- Auto Spam Keyword Tracker
- Auto Domain Age Checker
- Manage Workspaces - 10
- Workspace Customization
- Manage Teams - 10
- Manage User Roles
- Manage Licenses
- Unlimited Sends Per Month
- Unlimited Contacts
- 10 Sending Server
- Custom SMTP Integration
- SMTP Relays Integration
- Double Opt-in
- Intuitive easy to use Drag and Drop email Builder
- Custom Branding on Unsubscribe Page and Emails
- Plain Text Emails
- HTML Emails
- Broadcast Archives on Cloud
- Email Split Testing - Manual
- Track Links / Clicks
- Import Bulk Emails using big CSV files without re-confirmation
- Mass Add, Delete and Manage Subscribers using form
- Use Personalization Tags
- Custom Fields
- Bounce, Complaints and Unsubscribers handling
- Scheduling of emails
- Create Segments
- Create Tags & Filters
- A/B Testing
- Personalize Emails (Tag)
- Automated Workflows
- Automated Campaigns
- Automated Warmup Emails Replies
- Automated Inboxes Cluster
- Manage Teams
- Manage User Roles
- Manage Licenses
- Create Auto Campaigns
- 200+ Custom Seed List
- Custom Emails
- Manage Calendar
- Custom Emails
- Auto Scheduling
- Manage Workspaces
- Get reseller accounts of your own, which you can sell your customers - either at a one-time or (better still) at a recurring fee. Resellers get their reseller dashboard, from where they can create and manage accounts.
- 3 Reseller packages will be offered based on number of accounts (and price):
- Lite: 50 accounts ($147), Pro: 100 accounts ($197), Ninja: 300 accounts ($247)
- What An Smtp Server Is
- What An Email Autoresponder Is
- Introduction And Importance Of Mailzapp
- What Domain Verification Is And How To Actually Do It
- Why IP & Domain Reputation Is Important
- What SPF Is
- What DKIM Is
- What DMARC Is
- What Domain Age Is And Why It Matters
- What Open Rate And Click Through Rate Is
- Why Email Gets Bounced & How To Work On It
- Third Party Email Marketing Services
- Postal SMTP Introduction
- How to set up and configure SMTP on a VPS
- Postal Installation
- How to configure SSL/TLS for the email server
- Basic Configuration
- MX and Receiving Emails
- Setting up DMARC
- What is Reverse DNS
- Return Path + Free Bounce Verification Service
- How To Verify Authentication Protocols
- How To Get 10/10 Sender Score
- What Postal Overview Is
- What SSL Certificates Are
- Start At Boot
- Using The API Credentials
- What IP Pools Are
- How To Send A Test Email
- What A Lead Magnet Is
- How To Choose A Lead Magnet
- How To Use Lead Magnet To Generate List
- Create Squeeze Pages Where People Can Fill In Their Info
- Custom DFY Service